How are web design & data integration related?

Everyone knows what web design is, but few understand how impactful data integration can be to all aspects of your website's effectiveness. When collected thoughtfully (and ethically), your data can help build your marketing lists (so you don't have to pay to advertise to someone else's). It can elevate the relevancy of information you give your customers so they engage longer with your brand. It can substantially improve conversion rates, business operations, customer lifetime value, and just about every other KPI related to your business. Keep reading to see how Zib's Digital can help you improve your business processes with intuitive web design and strategic data integration.

Responsive Website Designs

Need to update your website’s look or improve its performance? Perhaps your content isn’t resonating with your target audience or your imagery doesn’t reinforce your message as well as it could… or maybe you just need someone to design landing pages for your marketing efforts or optimize your sales funnel. Whether you need a brand new website, a website redesign, or help optimizing your efforts, our Digital Design Services can elevate your efforts to the next level.

responsive web design
monetize your website

Landing Page & Funnel Design

Every website is built for a specific purpose– purchase a product, initiate a phone call, download a resource, build an email list, generate leads… How well does your website fulfil your goals?

If your website doesn’t monetize, landing page & funnel design could be the perfect solution! A landing page is the first thing a customer sees when they click to your website. It’s the gateway into your sales funnel and the first step on the path to purchase. An effective landing page will initiate a response from your customers. And once initiated, a well designed sales funnel will eliminate distraction and guide customers to your end goal. Contact us to learn how we can help you improve the response rate of your marketing with an optimized landing page & sales funnel!


Throw enough spaghetti at the wall, and something’s bound to stick! That’s essentially how “blanket marketing” works… and you can do better.

At Zib’s Digital, we understand the power of your data and we know how to leverage it. We’ve had tremendous success increasing ROIs by upward of 1,400% simply by utilizing data points that you already save— the customer’s name, address, email, purchase history, visit frequency, and average ticket amount to name a few.

These data points, when used correctly, allow marketers to hone in on targeted audiences, improve message relevancy, increase average lifetime value, and most importantly—to personalize marketing efforts in a way that truly resonates with the recipient. Let Zib’s Digital show you how to stop wasting your advertising budget and turn blanket marketing efforts into high-performance campaigns.

Data driven personalization
Email design services

Email Design, Automation & Execution

Zib’s Digital is fluent in most major email execution tools including Mail Chimp, HubSpot, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Constant Contact, Drip, AWeber and more! We can jump right in using your current tool (or one of ours) to build your your email list, better leverage the data you collect, automate messages, improve your customer relationships, and save you time & effort.

Whether you need help increasing your conversion rate, personalizing your messages, planning your email strategy, turning your data into automated messages, or executing eblasts, we can help.